Constitution for
Pembroke College Boat Club, Cambridge
Notable Changes
List of Notable Changes v2020 to v2021
Changes made to Secretary Role: ‘Internet Secretary’ formally disbanded and incorporated into Secretary; Kit Officer role created.
List of Notable Changes v2020 to v2021
Explicit clarification on Point 9B (and C, and D): “Although coaches may provide advice for crew setting, captains shall have final say on the composition of their respective boats”
Addition to Point 4: “Boats with mixed gendered crews shall be allowed with permission of the Men’s or Women’s Captain”
List of Notable Changes v2017 to v2020
Changed coxing captain to Coxing Representative so as to allow trialists to fill the role
List of Notable Changes v2014 to v2017
Added coxing captain role
Clarify committee roles, “and any others deemed necessary”2014 clarified elsewhere
Allow committee members to do multiple roles, not just the club captain, with only one vote
Significantly relax the time requirements for nominations, from 1 week to 72 hours, and 48 hours for manifestos
Explicitly allows AGM oral nominations if no nominations
Merge v2014 sections 8 and 10 and restructure
Clarify committee voting
Clarify replacing a committee member
Allow proxy voting 24 hours before
Quorum for EGMs changed from 75% to 50%
The Constitution
The club shall be known as the Pembroke College Boat Club, Cambridge hereinafter known as the Club.
The objectives of the Club are to promote, support and improve rowing within Pembroke College, Cambridge, hereinafter known as the College.
A. Membership is open to all members of the College.
B. There are two classes of membership.
i) Current:
This class of membership is available to all members of the College who satisfy the requirements set out by the CUCBC Regulations for Racing.
ii) Alumni:
This class of membership is available to all other members of the College. Members in this category must seek the expressed permission of the Committee before using equipment owned by the Club.
C. Election: Anyone who has been actively involved in the Club throughout the year counts as a member and is entitled to vote in the AGM, this includes both Current and Alumni members.
D. Restriction: A person who has been expelled from, or refused membership to, British Rowing, shall not be eligible for membership.
E. Acceptance: The Committee may at its sole discretion, decline to accept renewal of membership, from any person, without publicly disclosing the reason.
The Club will ensure that the talents and resources of all members are utilized to the full and that no member receives less favourable treatment on the grounds of gender, disability, marital status, creed, social class, ethnicity, age or sexual orientation or is disadvantaged by conditions or requirements which cannot be shown to be relevant to performance. Boats with mixed gendered crews shall be allowed with permission of the Men’s or Women’s Captain.
The Club accepts the policy and procedures relating to Child Protection, as set out by British Rowing, and requires all members to accept them as a condition of membership.
Any member violating any of the rules or regulations of the Club or being adjudged guilty of unsatisfactory conduct may, by resolution of the Committee, be suspended or expelled. Any member so suspended or expelled may appeal to the President who will affirm or reject the sanctions imposed as appropriate.
Only members entitled to vote are eligible to hold office.
A. The Committee is responsible for the general conduct of the Club's business and activities.
B. The Committee shall meet at least twice a term, as decided by the Secretary. The President and Senior Treasurer are not required to attend Committee meetings.
C. Special meetings of the Committee shall be called either by the Secretary, or by not fewer than three Committee members.
D. All committee meetings must be arranged with 72 hours notice given by email. A quorum shall consist of not less than 75% of the Committee members, not including President and Senior Treasurer.
E. Voting shall be by simple majority of all Committee members, each member shall have one vote, and all votes are equal. If any positions are jointly held then the joint holder shall have only one vote. In the event of a tie, the President will have the casting vote. Voting by proxy, by email 24 hours before, is allowed.
F. The Committee shall consist of:
i. President
ii. Senior Treasurer
iii. Club Captain
iv. Men's Captain and Women's Captain
v. Men's Vice Captain and Women's Vice Captain
vi. Two Men’s Lower Boats’ Captains and two Women’s Lower Boats’ Captains
vii. Coxing Representative
viii. Secretary
ix. Junior Treasurer
x. Regatta Secretary
xi. Alumni and Sponsorship Secretary
xii. Internet Secretary
xiii. Social Secretary
The Committee can co-opt further members but co-opted members shall have no right to vote at Committee meetings.
G. All positions on the Committee shall be viewed as equal. The positions of President and Senior Treasurer are held by a Fellow of the College and may be jointly held. All other positions are open to all members of the Club, and may be jointly held. The position of Club Captain is often jointly held with the position of Men's Captain or Women's Captain, or held individually, with this decision to be taken at the AGM.
H. Nominations for the positions listed in Rule 8.A (except for the positions of President and Senior Treasurer) must be proposed and seconded by members of the Club who are not the nominee. Nominations must be received by the Secretary by email 72 hours prior to the AGM, must be displayed in the boat house 48 hours prior to the AGM, and must be distributed by email to members of the Club 48 hours prior to the AGM. If no nominations meet these requirements by the deadline, the Secretary must announce this to the club and further nominations may be made orally at the AGM.
I. The term of office shall be for one year and members shall be eligible for re-election.
J. If any member of the Committee resigns, or is deemed by the Committee (by a vote of simple majority of the entire Committee with voting by proxy allowed) not to be carrying out their job (taking into consideration section 9), another member of the Club may be co-opted by the Committee to fill the role. This co-opted member will have all voting rights previously held by the member of the Committee they are replacing, unless this member is already a Committee member with voting rights. Notice must be given in writing to all Committee members and a special meeting shall be called in accordance with 8C and 8D. In the case of Club Captain, Men's Captain, Women's Captain or Junior Treasurer resigning or being deemed by the Committee to not be carrying out their job an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held where the Club will vote for a replacement. In this EGM vote will be by simple majority of those present and the meeting will be called and held in accordance with the section 10. If an EGM cannot easily be held (for example during the Long vacation), the current Committee may temporarily co-opt another member of the Club to fill the role, with an EGM to be called on the matter at the first opportunity.
K. Any member of the Committee who plans to trial for CUBC, CUWBC or CULRC or is Junior or Graduate Parlour President cannot stand for positions of Captains, Vice Captains or Lower Boat Captains. If they are elected and subsequently decide to trial, another suitable member of the Club should be co-opted by the Committee for the duration of the trialling.
These duties are recommendations and can be reassigned. They can be used to judge incompetence for 8J.
A. Club Captain: The Club Captain shall be responsible for guiding the activities of the Club in accordance with its general policy as expressed by the majority of its members. The Club Captain shall represent or arrange for the representation of the Club within the College, CUCBC, at regional level, and at meetings of other organisations. The Club Captain shall assume the responsibilities normally associated with a Captain of Boats, such as decisions about use of equipment and shall assume the final authority for decisions and liabilities.
B. Captains: The Men's/Women's Captains shall be responsible for the overall running and administration of the men's/women's Club. In particular they are responsible for training, coaching and competitive representation of their respective 1st VIIIs. Although coaches may provide advice for crew setting, captains shall have final say on the composition of their respective boats.
C. Vice Captains: The Men's/Women's Vice Captains are to support their respective Captains in carrying out their jobs. In particular they are responsible for training, coaching and competitive representation of their respective 2nd VIIIs and any senior lower boats during Michaelmas Term. Although coaches may provide advice for crew setting, captains shall have final say on the composition of their respective boats.
D. Lower Boat Captains: The Lower Boat Captains are to support their respective Captains and Vice Captains in carrying out their jobs. In particular they are responsible for training, coaching and competitive representation of their respective lower boats and novice crews. Although coaches may provide advice for crew setting, captains shall have final say on the composition of their respective boats.
E. Coxing Representative: The Coxing Representative shall be responsible for the training of coxes, and shall assist the Lower Boats Captains with recruitment of new boat club members in order to ensure a continual supply of coxes from year to year. The Coxing Representative will also be responsible for buying and maintaining coxing equipment, such as life-jackets, cox boxes and their chargers, and microphones.
E. Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation, chairing and recording of minutes relating to meetings of the Committee and of the Club. The Secretary will additionally be responsible for all correspondence relating to the general business of the Club including competition entries and kit order. They will also ensure the affairs of the Club are conducted in accordance with the constitution and act as the CUCBC Safety Officer.
F. Junior Treasurer: The Junior Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of the current account of the Club and will keep proper accounting records of all such transactions. He or she will present to the members at the AGM a balance sheet and income and expenditure account showing the Club's financial position and the results of its transactions for the year. The transactions of the Club will be conducted through a bank account and will require the signature of any one of the Treasurer or Club Captain.
G. Senior Treasurer: The Senior Treasurer shall be responsible for the endowment fund of the Club and maintains overall control of all monies belonging to the Club.
H. Regatta Secretary: The Regatta Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation of the Pembroke Regatta.
I. Alumni and Sponsorship Secretary: The Alumni and Sponsorship Secretary shall be responsible for recruitment of sponsors and any subsequent correspondence. He or she shall be responsible, along with the Development Office, for communication with alumni and production of the termly newsletter.
J. Internet Secretary: The Internet Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the Club website, social media, and to assist with mailing lists.
H. Social Secretary: The Social Secretary shall be responsible for the organisation of all Boat Club dinners and other social events concerning the Club, such as Boat Club Cocktails.
A. An Annual General Meeting shall be held at Boat Club breakfast on the Sunday after the May Bumps Dinner each year. There shall be laid before the meeting a statement of accounts made up to the week preceding the meeting.
B. An Extraordinary General Meeting shall be called on the instructions of a simple majority of the Committee, or on a requisition signed by not less than one third of the current members of the Club entitled to vote.
C. Not less than 7 days clear notice shall be given, specifying to all members the time and business of the Extraordinary General Meeting.
D. Motions for discussion at the Annual General Meetings not of origin from within the Committee shall be lodged with the secretary at least 7 days preceding the Annual General Meeting and be signed by 9 members entitled to vote.
E. Every Club member has one vote and all votes are equal. Voting can be done by proxy, in writing by email to the Secretary at least 24 hours before, provided there is a good reason for non-attendance. It is at the discretion of the Committee to decide what constitutes a good reason and their decision is final. Voting is to be done by simple majority. In the case of a split vote a further discussion will take place, followed by a revote. If there is still a split vote then the current or outgoing Committee will decide by simple majority of those present. The Chairman may request that members abstain from voting for Committee roles not on their side (e.g. a men’s side rower voting for the Women’s Vice Captain), but this is non-binding.
F. At any General Meeting, a resolution put to the vote of the Meeting shall be decided by a show of hands, of those entitled to vote. In the case of voting on nominations for a position on the Committee the nominees for the position under vote are to leave the room while discussion of the nominees and the show of hands takes place.
G. At all General Meetings the Secretary will preside or, in his/her absence, a Chairman for the meeting will be elected by the voting members present.
H. At Extraordinary General Meetings not less than 50% of members of the Club entitled to vote shall constitute a quorum. At these meetings only those currently in a competing crew (or those in the previous term's crews if the current term's crews have not been set) and those people currently holding positions on the Committee are entitled to vote. There is no quorum required for the Annual General Meeting.
I. Absence of Quorum: If after half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present, the Meeting, if called at the request of the members, shall be dissolved. In any other case, the members present shall constitute a quorum.
J. Accidental Omission: Accidental Omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of notice of, a meeting by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of a meeting.
The Committee shall manage the affairs of the Club. Financial or legal liability incurred in the rightful exercise of their office shall not, however, be the personal liability of the Committee, but shall be the responsibility of the Club as a whole.
A. This constitution shall not be altered, amended or rescinded except by a General Meeting of the Club.
B. A resolution to give effect to a change must be passed by at least 75% of the members present at the General Meeting, and voting on this behalf.
In no circumstances can any profit be distributed to members, but any profits earned shall be used in furthering the objects of the Club.
The Club shall not terminate except by resolution of an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose and, in such an event, any surplus assets shall be handed over to the College.
Any matter not provided for in this constitution, or any question over the interpretation of it shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be final.
The Secretary shall act as Safety Officer, whose duty it will be to understand the requirements of the British Rowing Code of Practice for Water Safety and advise on their prominent display, their observation and their implementation at all times, and to abide by CUCBC Safety Regulations.